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JSIS: Travelers, Migrants, and Tourists -- Nafplio, Greece

Discrimination and marginalization of underrepresented communities in our nation is an obvious issue. What I didn't realize was that this problem existed in societies all over the world. The Jackson School of International Studies led a program focusing on this specific issue in Greece. For ten days, I was able to conduct ethnographic research that focused on the discrimination that occurs against the immigrant community by the local community of Greece. Being able to see this first-hand was an eye-opening experience.

Other perspectives: A large part of this program was ethnography. We were able to interview and hear stories from many different people in the Greek community. Hearing from both the Roma and non-Roma community I was able to see how life was from each group's perspective. It was interesting to contrast these two outlooks and it helped me broaden my understanding of the discrimination that occurs in Greek life. I was then able to engage in the learning of the program much better.

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